Sunday, June 24, 2007

Opa! It's Panegyri Time!

As it is each year, the second to last weekend in June was consumed with our Panegyri Greek Festival. Michael and Ally went Friday and Saturday, leaving Niko to play with his Mimi (Ally's mom), and on Sunday Niko came along to enjoy the festivities. Ally and Michael were in charge of all of the Greek dancing, along with Michael's mother and father. We even got pictures with the band that we'll post as soon as Michael's dad sends them to us. It was a busy, but fun-filled weekend.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

More 50 pics :)

Here are a few more pics from the "Mama's 50th Birthday Dinner." Enjoy!

She's 50!

Mama (Michael's mom/Ally's MIL) turned fifty today! Ally's mom planned a lovely Italian dinner and served everyone an amazing meal. Amber made a double chocolate chip "leaning tower of chocolate" cake :) We surprised Mama with a plane ticket to visit her sister in Wilmington, NC. Everyone had a blast! We hope you had a great birthday, Mama!

Monday, June 11, 2007

Bachelorette Party!

Ally went to Laura's bachelorette party this past weekend. It was a blast! Michael stayed home with Niko and had to turn down free Reds tickets :( I got Laura her own Ju-ju-be with a cute tank top, then she "lei-ed" me.

Saturday, June 02, 2007

We had a fun filled Memorial Day weekend! We all finally were healthy and ready to have some fun! Our neighborhood pool opened up and we took Niko swimming. He loved it! On a bad note, we found out a pool rule had changed since we moved here and babies in diapers are now only allowed in the baby pool (found out after Ally was asked to vacate the pool). So...Michael put together an excellently written grievence and we'l l see what happens. It is turning into single family homes vs the condos. Also new is that Niko can sit in a restaurant high chair! It makes going out a whole lot easier. He is at an in between phase where he is pretty happy to sit in the chair and not wanting to climb out yet. He can wave now, too. He is growing up!!